Negotiations of a warehouse lease and purchase agreement

At AXI IMMO, we offer a comprehensive service of negotiating lease agreements as well as commercial space purchase agreements intended for warehousing, production, logistics and distribution.

Thanks to our experience in the field of commercial real estate and effective negotiation strategies, we support our clients in achieving the most favorable lease or purchase terms.

Effective negotiations conducted with AXI IMMO allow us to obtain the most favorable terms in the contract, while professional management of the transaction process accelerates the finalization, enabling the Client to quickly move on to the use of the property.


Anna Głowacz

Head of Industrial - Leasing Agency

+48 725 300 600

Skontaktuj się

    Industrial space contract negotiations

    As part of the negotiation service, we conduct detailed consultations with the client to understand their unique needs, business goals, and expectations regarding the warehouse.

    Thanks to our regular analyses of the industrial real estate market, the Client has access to current offers, price trends, and local conditions.

    At AXI IMMO, we conduct effective lease negotiations, including lease costs, contract terms, payment terms, collateral, and any additional benefits.

    We advise on the development of a precise and clear lease agreement, taking into account all arrangements resulting from negotiations and protecting the Client’s interests.

    In the case of the purchase of a warehouse, we negotiate the terms of the purchase, taking into account the price, financial terms, possible clauses, and the schedule of the transaction.

    We coordinate the process of finalizing the transaction, including signing contracts, settling payments, as well as all formalities related to the transfer of ownership.

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