Dodano do porównań. Sprawdź dodane nieruchomości.

The planned investment of Panattoni Park Słubice right next to the German border with a total area of 220,000 sqm. sqm, of which one building has an area of 130 thousand. sqm The warehouse is located in close proximity to the national road No. 29, which leads to the German border and is an extension of the national road No. 31 from Szczecin. Convenient connection with the A2 motorway, which is an alternative route towards Germany. This location is suitable for companies looking for new warehouse space in the region of the German border and for operating towards Western countries. A class A warehouse for rent, Panattoni Park Słubice offers space tailored to the individual needs of the tenant, including ideal for e-commerce due to the location and area of the park.

The planned investment of Panattoni Park Słubice covers an area of over 220,000 sq m. sqm The park consists of three buildings, the two largest of which have an area of 130,000 sq m. sqm and 75 thousand. sqm A-class warehouse for rent The storage height ranges from 10 to 18 m depending on the building The warehouse is equipped with a dust-free floor Floor loading capacity 7 t / sq m Fire resistance over 4,000 MJ / sq m Area lit by daylight, min. 3% through skylights LED lighting A large parking lot for cars, vans and trucks Zero level docks and gates


Słubice, Lubuskie Voivodeship The city is located right on the Polish-German border Direct connection to the national road No. 29, which is an extension of the national road No. 31 towards Szczecin Easy connection to an alternative route towards Germany, the A2 motorway, running through Poznań, Konin and Warsaw Frankfurt (Oder) is less than 2 km away In the vicinity of the planned Panattoni Park Słubice investment, there is a railway station and public transport stops This location is a very good choice for companies serving Polish and European markets

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Możliwość prowadzenia produkcji
  • Certyfikat
  • Wysokość składowania
  • Nośność posadzki
  • Siatka słupów
  • Bocznica kolejowa
  • Czy dostępna jest powierzchnia biurowa
  • Odporność ogniowa
  • Doki
  • Bramy z poziomu zero
  • Chłodnia / mroźnia
  • Powierzchnia biurowa w mkw.
  • Minimalny powierzchnia biurowa
  • Świetliki dachowe
  • Tryskacze
  • Monitoring
  • Ochrona
  • ID oferty


Panattoni Park Słubice is an investment provided by Panattoni Europe. Developer is one of the leading developers on the Polish market. Warehouses for rent offered in the Panattoni portfolio are primarily top-class technological solutions inconvenient logistics locations. Panattoni Europe’s clients are international corporations as well as large and medium-sized regional companies. In the area of German border, the Panattoni Europe developer parks are also Panattoni Park Szprotawa and Panattoni Park Zielona Góra IV.


Granica PL - DE
Autostrada A2
Zielona Góra

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