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Attractive office space for rent in Warsaw New City

Modern office building in a prestigious location in Mokotow district

New City is an office building located in the Central Business District of Warsaw, which offers to lease over 39000 sq m for rent. The building is distinguished by modern glass exterior. The property was designed with care to ensure the best possible working conditions for tenants. A large number of glazing provides lighting of all surfaces. The modernized solutions ensure comfort and aesthetics of the office space.Used ecological building materials allowed to obtaining BREEAM certificate at “excellent” level. Object as one of the five buildings in the world, has been nominated for the prestigious Breeam Awards for In-Use in 2016.

  • Modern, A class office space with own transportation routes

  • The complex includes service and conference centre

  • It allows for flexible arrangement of space and ensures the maximum efficiency of space usage

  • Building completion date: 2010

  • Add-on factor: 6,51%

  • Parking ratio: 1/88.


Location in the most prestigious and dynamically developing business area; The location ides good transport facilities and easy access to the city centre; The close proximity of Galeria Mokotów shopping gallery; Convenient access by car to the Chopin airport.

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Klasa budynku
  • Liczba poziomów podziemnych
  • Liczba pięter naziemnych
  • Powierzchnia typowego piętra
  • Wysokość
  • Recepcja
  • BMS
  • Czujniki ciepła
  • Czujniki dymu
  • Klimatyzacja
  • Okna otwierane
  • Podnoszona podłoga
  • Kontrolowany dostęp
  • Usługa ochrony
  • Monitoring
  • Dwa niezależne źródła zasilania
  • Certyfikaty
  • ID oferty


Przystanek autobusowy/tramwajowy
Stacja metra Wilanowska
Hotel (****)
Galeria Mokotów
Lotnisko Chopina

Dane rynkowe

In the third quarter of 2023, one new office project was put into operation in Warsaw. It was S-Bridge Office Park A2, which added to the eastern office zone of Warsaw.

At the end of the 3rd quarter, over 240,000 sq m were under construction on the Warsaw market. m2 of modern office space. The greatest developer activity is observed in the Centrum-Zachód office subzone, which is located near Rondo Daszyńskiego. Almost 70% of the newly created office space in Warsaw is built there.

In the third quarter of 2023, the vacancy rate on the Warsaw office market decreased by 0.8 percentage points. compared to the previous quarter, to 10.6%. The lowest availability of office space is in the central zone. The vacancy rate here was 9.1%, while in non-central zones it was 11.8%. The highest vacancy rate was recorded in Służewiec, the lowest in the Center-North subzone.

Vacancy Rates Warsaw Q3 2023
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