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Dom Dochodowy with Three Fronts – modern office space in the Śródmieście, Warsaw

Modern office space in Śródmieście of Warsaw for rent

Dom Dochodowy is an investment combining three buildings whose fronts overlook Trzech Krzyży Square, Al. Ujazdowskie and ul. Mokotowska. The buildings form one cohesive whole, combined with a stylish, covered courtyard. The modernization and extension of the Dome House allowed the creation of a cozy office building offering approximately 3,000 sq m of modern office space for rent. The façades have retained elements of historical decor, and the antique interiors have been reconstructed in accordance with conservation requirements. The building is characterized by a unique architecture including, among others: mosaic raised floor, paintings on the walls, decorations on the ceilings and stylish windows. Historical tenements have been equipped with modern installations, among others: air-conditioning, panel suspended ceilings, smoke detectors, sprinklers, modern raster lighting and lining. Both antique and newly-created parts are completely functional and easy to arrange.

  • A historic and stylish building

  • Tenement house after thorough renovation

  • Modern office space for rent

  • Three buildings joined together, accessible from 3 streets

  • A stylish, covered courtyard

  • 35 underground parking spaces

  • The building is equipped with air conditioning, raised floors, suspended ceilings, 24-hour security.


Location in the Central Business Area; The most prestigious location in Warsaw – between Plac Trzech Krzyży, Mokotowska Street and Ujazdowskie Avenue; Excellent communication between districts: public and private transport.

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Klasa budynku
  • Liczba poziomów podziemnych
  • Liczba pięter naziemnych
  • Powierzchnia typowego piętra
  • Wysokość
  • Recepcja
  • BMS
  • Czujniki ciepła
  • Czujniki dymu
  • Klimatyzacja
  • Okna otwierane
  • Podnoszona podłoga
  • Kontrolowany dostęp
  • Usługa ochrony
  • Monitoring
  • Dwa niezależne źródła zasilania
  • Certyfikaty
  • ID oferty

Dane rynkowe

In the third quarter of 2023, one new office project was put into operation in Warsaw. It was S-Bridge Office Park A2, which added to the eastern office zone of Warsaw.

At the end of the 3rd quarter, over 240,000 sq m were under construction on the Warsaw market. m2 of modern office space. The greatest developer activity is observed in the Centrum-Zachód office subzone, which is located near Rondo Daszyńskiego. Almost 70% of the newly created office space in Warsaw is built there.

In the third quarter of 2023, the vacancy rate on the Warsaw office market decreased by 0.8 percentage points. compared to the previous quarter, to 10.6%. The lowest availability of office space is in the central zone. The vacancy rate here was 9.1%, while in non-central zones it was 11.8%. The highest vacancy rate was recorded in Służewiec, the lowest in the Center-North subzone.

Vacancy Rates Warsaw Q3 2023
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