Dodano do porównań. Sprawdź dodane nieruchomości.

The modern logistics park GLP Warsaw II Logistics Center is located just 3 minutes south-west of the Warsaw border. The property is directly adjacent to the S8 expressway, which ensures efficient communication towards Łódź, Wrocław, Kraków, Katowice and other parts of central and southern Poland. The passenger and cargo terminals of the Chopin International Airport in Warsaw can be reached within 15 minutes. The GLP Warsaw II Logistics Center is optimally suited to the warehousing requirements of customers from various industries.

Class A surface The high-bay warehouses of the GLP Warsaw II Logistics Center are equipped with unloading docks and zero-level gates The warehouse area is well lit - roof skylights and modern energy-saving LED lighting are used Halls equipped with a sprinkler system Clear height: 12 m Non-dusting floor with load capacity: 7 t/sqm Pole grid: 12 x 24 m Extensive car parks for passenger cars as well as maneuvering areas and car parks for trucks and vans Possibility to adapt the space to the needs of the tenant


The warehouse is located at the junction of the S8 expressway Easy access to the national road No. 7, which connects the Pomeranian, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Mazowieckie, Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie voivodeships, it is also part of the international European road E77 leading further through Slovakia to Hungary The location of the facility in Warsaw ensures convenient logistics and distribution conditions in the city, region and country Convenient access to qualified staff

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Możliwość prowadzenia produkcji
  • Certyfikat
  • Wysokość składowania
  • Nośność posadzki
  • Siatka słupów
  • Bocznica kolejowa
  • Odporność ogniowa
  • Doki
  • Bramy z poziomu zero
  • Chłodnia / mroźnia
  • Minimalny powierzchnia biurowa
  • Świetliki dachowe
  • Tryskacze
  • Monitoring
  • Ochrona
  • ID oferty


GLP is a global logistics developer with operations worldwide in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Japan and the United States. GLP has over 30 years of experience in the logistics real estate industry and operates in 12 countries covering all major logistics markets. The company's warehouses are used by logistics service providers, manufacturers, retailers and e-commerce companies, and are strategically located around major cities.


Droga ekspresowa S8
Węzeł S8/ S2

Dane rynkowe

więcej ofert
więcej ofert
więcej ofert

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