Dodano do porównań. Sprawdź dodane nieruchomości.

An office and warehouse complex Logicor Lazy is located just outside of Warsaw, on the same Krakowska avenue, passing further in the no. 7 national road. The communication artery is part of the international E77 route connecting Russia with Hungary. The advantage of the location is also connected to the S8 Expressway (junction on Mszczonowska Street) and S2 Expressway and the A2 Highway (via the Salomea-Wolica route). This allows organization logistics with major Polish cities (Katowice, Kraków, Poznań).

The logistics center in Lazy near Warsaw in the vicinity of the no. 7national road.

Logicor Lazy is a warehouse complex offering customers a space within the 3 buildings and a total area of under 24,000 square meters. Solutions used in complex meet the needs of smaller and medium-sized companies from the courier and transportation sectors.

Warehouse park Logicor Lazy, thanks to the proximity of the national road 7, is also very well-connected with Warsaw’s suburban’s towns – Janki, Nadarzyn Piaseczno.

A-class warehouses In the Logicor Lazy there are modern warehouse buildings with a height of 10 m Floor load capacity 5 t/sqm Dust-free floor Column grid: 12 x 22.5 m Docks with protective collars and hydraulic lifts Zero level gates Sprinkler system Roof skylights providing daylight to the warehouse area 24/7 security and real estate monitoring Ample parking and maneuvering area for trucks


Piaseczno poviat, Lesznowola commune, Lazy near Janki The warehouse is located right next to E77 = national road No. 7 (Al. Krakowska) and the S7 express road under construction 22 km from the center of Warsaw Easy connection to the Janki junction, the intersection of national road No. 7 and the S8 expressway Good access to the southern bypass of Warsaw - route S2 - as well as the A2 highway, west of Warsaw 20 km to Chopin Airport 130 km to Lodz 310 km to Poznań 340 km to Wrocław Location of the warehouse in the Warsaw area, the biggest logistics market in Poland

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Możliwość prowadzenia produkcji
  • Certyfikat
  • Wysokość składowania
  • Nośność posadzki
  • Siatka słupów
  • Bocznica kolejowa
  • Odporność ogniowa
  • Doki
  • Bramy z poziomu zero
  • Chłodnia / mroźnia
  • Minimalny powierzchnia biurowa
  • Świetliki dachowe
  • Tryskacze
  • Monitoring
  • Ochrona
  • ID oferty


Salomea-Wolica - S8/7
Lotnisko Chopina
Centrum Warszawy
Węzeł Konotopa - S8/A2

Dane rynkowe

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więcej ofert
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