Dodano do porównań. Sprawdź dodane nieruchomości.

Modern warehouses for rent in Rzeszów

Warehouses for rent in Rzeszów are located in the northwest of the city, near the S19 Expressway anadaptation of the space to the specific reqrements of tenants. d the A4 Motorway, and in the vicinity of the Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport. The location of the warehouse-and-production complex provides tenants with optimal conditions for domestic and international distribution. Modernly designed warehouses for rent will meet the needs and expectations of customers from various industries. There is a possibility of flexible adaptation of the space to the specific requirements. The facilities can be used as a warehouse or a light-production place. the landlord guarantees the highest standards of finishing and furnishing Office and social rooms as well as their arrangement in line with the expectations of their clients. The buildings have modern fire protection systems, including sprinklers and smoke dampers. Comfortable use will also be ensured by an economical heating and ventilation system, LED lighting, extensive maneuvering areas and parking lots for trucks and cars. Potential tenants and investors are also attracted to Rzeszów by competitive labor costs and access of qualified workforce, as well as the Special Economic Zone, in which business entities can count on tax breaks.

  • The location of the warehouse and production complex provides tenants with optimal conditions for domestic and international distribution

  • Modernly designed halls for lease will meet the needs and expectations of customers from various industries

  • There is a possibility of flexible adaptation of the space to the specific requirements of tenants

  • The area can be used as a warehouse, distribution centre or a light production hall

  • The landlord guarantees the highest standards of finishing and furnishing office and social rooms as well as their arrangement in line with the expectations of its clients

  • Halls with modern fire protection systems

  • Sprinklers

  • Smoke vents

  • Economical heating and ventilation system

  • LED lighting

  • Spacious maneuvering areas

  • Car parks for trucks and cars

  • Column grid 12m x 22.6m

  • Floor loading capacity 5T / sqm

  • Electric docks and entry gates from the ‘0’ level

  • Lighting the unloading area

  • Fire resistance over 4000MJ / sqm

  • Parking spaces for trucks and cars

  • Functional and representative offices for lease, in accordance with the tenant’s needs


A-class modern high-bay warehouse for lease; Southeast Poland; Only 6 km from the centre of Rzeszów city; 14 km from the Rzeszów-Jasionka International Airport; Warehouses right next to the S19 Expressway with convenient access to the A4 Motorway; The location guarantees many travel opportunities for employees both from the area of ​​Rzeszów itself and neighboring towns Tenants and investors are also attracted to Rzeszów by competitive labor costs and the access of qualified workforce, as well as the Special Economic Zone, under which entrepreneurs can count on tax relief

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Możliwość prowadzenia produkcji
  • Certyfikat
  • Wysokość składowania
  • Nośność posadzki
  • Siatka słupów
    12 x 22.5 m
  • Bocznica kolejowa
  • Odporność ogniowa
  • Doki
  • Bramy z poziomu zero
  • Chłodnia / mroźnia
  • Minimalny powierzchnia biurowa
  • Świetliki dachowe
  • Tryskacze
  • Monitoring
  • Ochrona
  • ID oferty


7R S.A. is a rapidly growing developer providing services in the logistic and industrial property sector. The company spacilizes in the development of modern logistic centers, designed both as multitenant and BTS (built to suit) halls, mostly for middle size tenants, in particular logistic operators. The developer offers warehouses for rent along with the possibility of adapting them for production area.


Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy Rzeszów-Jasionka
Granica PL-UA

Dane rynkowe

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