Dodano do porównań. Sprawdź dodane nieruchomości.

Production and warehouse halls in Bieruń

Production and storage halls in Bieruń built by the developer MLP is a complex occupying an area of 12 ha with industrial facilities whose total area will be 55,000 square meters. The park is located in Bieruń, only approx. 2 km from the city of Tychy and approx. 900 m from the FIAT factory. Due to the proximity of this real estate, the location is ideal for clients in the automotive industry. In addition, the vicinity of the A4 motorway and the S1 expressway provides very good connections with neighboring cities and other regions of the country. Production and storage halls in Bieruń belong to the Special Economic Zone.

Flexible production solutions

The production and warehouse halls in Bieruń offers the highest standard combined with the possibility of adapting spaces to individual tenant needs. These are high-storage warehouses, equipped with a dustless industrial floor with an increased loading capacity of 6T/ sq m. Access to the hall is ensured by hydraulic loading docks and drive-in gates. The fire protection system includes smoke vents, smoke curtains and sprinkler systems. The buildings are heated and have access to all necessary utilities.

  • Clear height: 10 m

  • Column grid: 12 m x 22.5 m

  • Floor loading capacity: 5 t / sq m

  • Gates from the "0" level

  • Docks

  • Monitoring.


The property is located in Bieruń, approx. 2 km from Tychy; The A4 motorway and the S1 expressway ensure good connections with the most important urban centers in the country and abroad; The warehouse complex is located within the Special Economic Zone.

Dane techniczne

  • Ilość budynków w parku
  • Możliwość prowadzenia produkcji
  • Certyfikat
  • Wysokość składowania
  • Nośność posadzki
  • Siatka słupów
    12 x 22.5
  • Bocznica kolejowa
  • Odporność ogniowa
  • Doki
  • Bramy z poziomu zero
  • Chłodnia / mroźnia
  • Minimalny powierzchnia biurowa
  • Świetliki dachowe
  • Tryskacze
  • Monitoring
  • Ochrona
  • ID oferty


MLP Group has been operating on the commercial real estate market since 1998. The developer specializes in the construction and management of modern warehouse centers, tailored to the individual needs of the tenant. The Group currently operates 8 logistics parks located in Poland. The target area of MLP logistics parks on owned land bank is approximately 1 million sq m.


Węzeł drogowy DK86/DK1
Lotnisko Katowice-Pyrzowice

Dane rynkowe

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